uhBAD → PassHow to Spot A Fake Bag
Congratulations, handbag X has surivived the UHbAD filter. Given this rigorous journey, the probability of handbag X being authentic is close to 1. 100% accuracy can never be determined without directly handling the bag (or buying from a licensed retail venue) - and even in these cases - you can never be exactly 100% certain. However, with this information, you can drastically reduce the possibility of that inevitable major headache that will insue after getting stuck with a counterfeit bag, and drastically increase the great buys you will encounter online. Ubad = [QSS;Material;Label;Hardware;Brand_Specifics] (i) X = handbag in filter (ii) A = authentic (iii) β = .07 Xauthentic ⇔ -(P(A|Ux1:xn))log2(P(A|Ux1:xn)) ≤ β < -(P(A|Ux1:xn-1))log2(P(A|Ux1:xn-1)) ≤ -(P(A|Ux1:xn-2))log2(P(A|Ux1:xn-2)) ≤ -(P(A|Ux1:xn-3))log2(P(A|Ux1:xn-3)) ≤ -(P(A|Ux1:xn-4))log2(P(A|Ux1:xn-4)) = Xfake (*) If X passed a node, but with a % penalty, consider penalty (p) such that, Xauthentic ⇔ -(P(A|Ux1:xn) - p)log2(P(A|Ux1:xn) - p) ≤ β < Xfake