Counterfeit's - CraigslistFaked Coach, D&G Labels and Logos-Photoshopped
Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 Louis Vuitton Speedy 40 Coach Madison Sabrina Coach Madison OP Art Coach Madison Carryall Coach Madison Maggie Coach Madison Audrey Coach Poppy Graffiti Handbag Coach Poppy Tote Coach Poppy Wallet Coach Poppy Wristlet Coach Beach Tote Coach Julia Tote Coach Charm Tote Coach Kristin Collection Coach Peyton Collection Coach Brooke handbag Coach Carly Handbag Coach Zoe Handbag Case Study 1 Case study 2 Case study 3 Case study 4 Fake Coach Craigslist ← [1] Craigslist can be a good place to find authentic handbags and sunglasses for good prices, usually pre-owned items that the seller is trying dump off for quick cash. The benefit to purchasing pre-owned items directly from the owner is that often times the receipt and paperwork will accompany the product. This is not always the case, but it is not uncommon for a seller to have saved all the paperwork and receipts, this is true of most people when they make a larger sum purchase. Another good feature on craigslist is that often times the fake items are advertised as being fake. No need to study the listing and the images. They flat out say it is fake. This is much different than on ebay, where ebay policy prohibits selling fake merchandise, and the seller’s account will be suspended if caught. This means on ebay that sellers at best become vague about the details of the handbag, and at worst advertise that it is 100% authentic. [1.1] Photoshopped logos and serial numbers are not a very common element in fake handbag or eyewear listings. However, it is something that you will encounter from time to time. Generally this technique is used on off-ebay sites, but it can be found at times on ebay also. [1.2] The idea is to add in an element that would correspond with the authentic designer, like a serial number. This way everything seems to be in order, until you actually see the handbag or sunglasses in person. Or even better for the scammer, some buyers may never re-check the serial number again. Below is an image of a fake Coach label that was photo shopped: [From Craigslist] The term photoshopped is used loosely in this example. It does not appear to be a high end photo shop job, rather it looks like a basic paint program was used to alter the numbers. Note: The serial number at the bottom of the creed has been doctored. The background color, does not match the label color, the number fonts are not legitimate Coach fonts, they almost look handwritten, and the spacing is jumbled. ![]() Note: The numbers, N M0969-F12551 ? , are clearly doctored, the image looks messy. The F12551 almost looks hand written. If someone was looking for the serial number to cross-check it with the autehntic numbers, they may get fooled by this if they were not paying close attention, but even a small amount of inspection of this label should raise a red flag quickly. Below is an image of a photo shopped D&G logo on a case and dustcloth: ![]() Note: The white logo background does not match the rest of the picture, not to mention that the D&G font-logo appears to be upside-down-inside-out? Remember, these (photo shop) tips are not something that will be encounterd on a regular basis, however it is good to understand all the tricks that scammers will utilize to swindle you out of your money. From the elaborate to the primitive to the downright ridiculous.