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Balenciaga Motorcycle Handbags Balenciaga Twiggy Handbags Balenciaga Weekender Handbags Balenciaga Black City Handbags Balenciaga Green City Handbags Balenciaga City Handbags Under $499 Balenciaga Part Time Handbags Balenciaga Clutch
In this guide we have illustrated some details about
on ebay and other domains that will help you weed out the fakes. This is
in no way a conclusive or complete guide, but it has
enough information to highly increase you chances of detecting and avoiding the counterfeit
bags. [Combining some of these brand specific points with the
universal counterfeit signatures should
help insulate you from many of the phonies in the open market.]
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Balenciaga Tutorial Sections: Balenciaga Part One ← Balenciaga Part Two Balenciaga Zippers(+) Balenciaga Model Numbers Balenciaga Price Library 1. Material: Many fake bags are made from inexpensive leather which has a shiny and stiff appearance to it. Fake leather bags look cracked rather than distressed. The tassels/zipper pulls should be the same quality leather. They should hang loosely, and feel soft in your hand. Many fake bag tassles/zipper pulls are stiff and hard. Below is an image of an authentic Balenciaga handbag: Note: The soft and distressed look of the authentic Balenciaga leather. Below is an image of a fake Balenciaga handbag. Note: The fake Balenciaga's leather has a shiny, almost cracked appearance. Note: Authentic Balenciaga will never have that much leather shine. Also notice that the bag's material appeared more cracked rather than distressed. Seemingly as if the lines were intentionally put there. F/N: An authentic Balenciaga will usually collapse when empty. This is because the leather is so thin and soft, whereas the fake bags tend to hold their shape even when they're not stuffed. Below is an image of real vs. fake Balenciaga leather: Notice the stiffness & cracked appearance in the fake bag versus the soft and distressed look of the authentic. Below is another real vs. fake image: Here are a few more comparisons. The first is a photo of an authentic Twiggy Bag above a fake Twiggy. Once side by side, the differences become even more obvious. The fake bag is the incorrect size, and there is also a difference in the placement of the hardware. But the most glaring difference is the leather. It is too soft stand upright and support itself, unless it was tightly stuffed. The second photo is a comparison of the backside of an authentic Black City Classique and a fake Black Twiggy Bag. Again, note the difference in the appearance of the leather, The authentic leather appears distressed, while the fake looks more "cracked". There are other differences also, if you look closely. Below are the same bags (back): Below is an image of a fake Twiggy bag: The hardware on the fake bag is too silver & shiny. Also, notice the leather on the fake bag is too even and structured. It looks the same all over the bag. (More on hardware below) 2. Hardware: The hardware on an authentic Balenciaga bag is either brass or a matte silver finish. Many times hardware on fake Balenciaga handbags is shiny silver or gold. Below is an image of authentic Balenciaga hardware vs. fake hardware: Note: The hardware that connects the handles on an authentic bag is hardware is rounder and wider, while the hardware on the fake bag is much more narrow and longer. Also, the studs on the fake bag have a very flat appearance to them and look as if they pertrude from the bag. On an authentic bag, the hardware is three-dimensional and appears to "blend" with the bag. Also, the hardware on a fake bag is single-toned, meaning that it is only a single shade of silver (or brass). The hardware on an authentic bag is multi-tonal, and looks like different colors in different light. (more on Balenciaga hardware below) Below are images of the small hardware rings on an authentic Balenciaga handbag: Look at the small rings on the zippers where the tassels are tied. There should be small rings on each of the zippers (the top zipper, the front zipper and the inner zipper pocket). All of these rings should be sealed or welded closed so that there are no gaps and/or spaces. (This is a similiar tell to look for when trying to spot fake Tiffany ). Most of the hardware rings on fake bags (like fake Tiffany bracelets and necklaces) have small gaps where the ends of the ring link meets. Where the metal has been pinched or welded together. Authentic handbag rings are not easily bent and/or pinched, whereas the rings on the fake bags tend to be much to thin and can be easily bent or pinched together, or in some cases, easily fall off. Below is an image of a fake hardware ring: Notice the gap. You can clearly see where the metal was pinched together. Below are images of Balenciaga rivets: (Rivets are flat circle areas on the underside of the handles. Rivets vary from the older bags to the newer generations. For mid season 05 bags and newer, there should be a notch on either side that is proportional to the rivet). Note: Notice the angle and grain of the authentic rivet, which stands apart from most faked rivets. Balenciaga Tutorial Sections: Balenciaga Part One ← Balenciaga Part Two Balenciaga Zippers (+) Balenciaga Model Numbers Balenciaga Price Library Balenciaga contact info: Balenciaga Customer service |