X = Y =

(*)Your font image here

(*)Use the SD button for the orange X value when testing LV with date code SD, made in USA. If not sure origin, use our date code search.
(*)Best use with Mozilla Firefox

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X → L1:
X → L2:
X → O1:
X → O2:

Y → Lh1:
Y → Lh2:



Lotus Beta directions: [req: Mozilla Firefox] This test analyzes typical 21st century LV heat stamps for counterfeit detection. (*)Not compatible with vintage.
Step one: Upload a LV font img. Image does not have to be the same size as our example, but it must not be distorted. Cropping out the LO area helps. (*) Images should be accurately scaled to size, or img distortion may occur. (Uploader is 200x200).
Step two: Click where the colored lines in our example indicate.
Start with the red line area, (the left edge of your L). Get your cursor tip right on the L font edge. Accuracy is critical. (The closer your cursor is to lining up with the edge, the more accurate the reading.) Then simply click.
Step three: Above your pic are colored boxes marked X and Y. If you clicked in the X lined area, then click on the X button to send the value into the calculator. (If necessary, enter decimal places by hand. Sometimes a true edge lands between two numbers like 50 and 51. Neither the 50 nor 51 quite catch it. In these cases simply type in 50.5. Or whatever decimal place seems fitting. Doing so will output highly accurate readings). Rinse and repeat for all X and Y colors. Use the SD button for the X value if LV item has date code SD, made in the USA.
Step four: When you get to the box marked Z, simply press the button marked Set. (This is the default variable, it can be adjusted based on image clarity).
Step five: Press calculate. The results will output below. Note: Test does not read fonts as real or fake- fakes cold have correct fonts too. Instead, we use an accuracy rate on fonts that don't pass. Accuracy rates from 98 → 100 may be ok, (USA labels rate 98 often).
(*)Things like image distortions, inaccurate X or Y values etc, could result in a false negative or rate drops.
That said, with non-distored images and accurate X and Y click values, this test will catch many of the fake Louis Vuitton items.
†† If needed, go ahead and practice on our image to get the hang of it. Simply click on the colored lines, and then on their matching colored X boxes, then click set, and finally calculate. If you get a pass reading you're ready to go.

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