AboutSpot Fake Handbags About(i) The SpotFakehandbags.com team is dedicated to bringing our viewers the most relevant and helpful information concerning counterfeit fashion of all trends and itemized merchandise. We (primarily) focus on handbags due to the rampant saturation of their phony counterparts, but we do not exclusively focus on handbags. We are looking in the future to expand our fake sunglasses guide to include more specific information pertaining the most popular (and subsequently) counterfeited brands in the open market. Furthermore, we would like to add some guides on designer shoes including sneakers, which are another huge market for the counterfeiters. We hope to throw some light on these markets and help the consumers to avoid some of these common pitfalls.(ii) We also have a research section of the website dedicated to a more technical analysis and development of counterfeit detection solutions. [Detection tools]. (iii) We have partnered with ebay to bring our readers some relevant products related to their interests in a way to make the shopping experience less daunting. We hope our readers will utilize our guides when shopping on ebay, and always exercise caution when purchasing a high end designer handbag, as we do not police every auction from every seller that feeds into our links, or that pops up in an ebay search. However, sellers on our ebay store list have been heavily vetted and we carefully choose the most trusted sellers for the list. This list will also be updated on fairly regular basis, as we get more information on more top sellers on ebay and research accordingly. Thank you and safe shopping! Michelle Trindade Admin Some FAQ |