Welcome to SpotFakeHandbags.com. With the mass chaos of fake handbags flooding the market, how do you avoid getting burned? For starters, come in and browse around. What you will find at our site is a weapons cache at your disposal for spotting fakes and protecting yourself. Also, you will notice that many of our links go directly to the great deals on ebay. Therefore our goal is to provide you (the e-commerce shopper) with as many details and resources as possible to maximize your chances of getting a and avoiding the counterfeit rip offs and replicas. (However, in the event you do get burned, we will show you how to recover your money).
We have elaborate tutorials on how to spot fake handbags, as well as information on how to spot fake sunglasses. You will also find some web application solutions to help with e-commerce (img based) authentications (many of which will require using Firefox). And in our case study section, we will show you some examples of how to apply these tips on eBay and other online merchant sites, (and hopefully weed out a percentage of the counterfeits).

We will also show you how to purchase authentic handbags (sometimes for hundreds less) than retail. We have buying guides on several topics on how to buy on eBay, how to win auctions and how you might encounter the best deals.
Learning how to quickly spot a fake handbag is a process. And the ever changing world of fashion can often complicate matters. Special features, designs, styles, colors [etc] are always changing, and the counterfeiters benefit from the confusion. There is however, fundamental principles that act universally on all high end designer fashion merchandise. We consider these the fashion constants, and can be compressed into a single statement: Quality. Regardless of the ever changing fashion details, the quality of the handbags will always remain consistent. The fabric quality, stitch lines, overall symmetry, spacing etc, are all details that, with zero knowledge of the brand, can be used (in most cases) to decipher authenticity. Knowledge of these fundamental qualities factored in with the designer specific (brand-specific) details, (when these details are certain), will act as a powerful filter for a high percentage of the fake handbags on the market. The filter can be used as an outline, offering (as a foundation) four quality areas that should apply universally. These four focus points (along with a fifth point concerning brand specific details) will help you to weed out many counterfeit items.
So when you need to spot fake handbags, we will give you a fighting chance. And if you get really good at it, things may turn out even better for you. You may start finding some really great deals. Maybe even learn how to earn a few dollars for yourself in the pre-owned market. But most importantly, you won't have to kiss your money goodbye. For a speedy system, try our Coach [PASS] system.
Michelle T.
p.s. We also offer designer merchandise at
wholesale prices, so stop in and check us out.
p.s.s. 5% off all proceeds from our
clearance pages goes to ChidFund.org,
to help combat illegal child labor worldwide, where much of the counterfeit
fashion merchandise on the market
(*) It is important to recognize that much of the phony merchandise passing
through the global marketplace is manufactured in sweat shop environments.
→ For a slightly more advanced tool for spotting a counterfeit Louis Vuitton, we have an app available
for Windows 8 which focuses on the L and O font of the heat stamp. This app has demonstrated reasonably good results thus far. Try it our for free:
Lotus app for Windows 8 info.
Louis Vuitton Presents The Spirit of Travel: